Security Policy

Springs is committed to ensuring the highest level of security for our software products and services. This comprehensive security policy outlines the foundational and additional security measures implemented to safeguard against potential threats and vulnerabilities in our software development processes.

General Security Measures

SSH Password Protection

Implementation of an IP blocking utility to mitigate password brute force attacks over SSH. It protects your private key from being used by restricted users.

AWS Server Port Access Control

Closure of access to specific server ports on the AWS infrastructure and using Firewall to open ports on the node firewall on the AWS Elemental Server

Code Review for SQL Injections

Rigorous manual review of code for SQL injection vulnerabilities and utilization of Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) with proprietary security methods.

Database Access Control

By default, external access to the database is restricted from the virtual network so we make sure database can't be accessed by restricted users.

Automatic Code Quality Validation

Integration of automated tools for code quality validation and adherence to coding standards.

Use of Modern Libraries

Adoption of contemporary libraries with updated security features that allows keeping all the code secure and protected.

Recognized and Respected

Springs has consistently garnered accolades as a top agency, receiving numerous awards from renowned platforms such as Clutch, DesignRush, and Hubspot


API Usage Controls

Implementation of usage limits for APIs to prevent abuse and ensure resource availability.

DDoS Protection

Implementation of measures to mitigate Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

API Key Management

Stringent management and protection of API keys to prevent unauthorized access.

Cloud-Based Data Storage

Preference for server-side cloud storage, especially for AI applications with knowledge bases, to mitigate data leakage risks.

Use of Access & Refresh JWT-Tokens

Implementation of Access and Refresh JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to secure user sessions.

Secure Payments APIs Usage

Secure integration and usage of payment APIs in compliance with industry standards.

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Data Protection

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Implementation of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for enhanced user account security.

Data Encryption

Robust encryption of sensitive data to ensure confidentiality.

Identity Verification

Incorporation of personality verification and document verification processes for user identity confirmation.

OTP and Email Verification

Adoption of One-Time Passwords (OTP) and email verification for robust user authentication.

Logged-In Devices Management

Monitoring and management of devices logged into user accounts for heightened security.

Authentication Methods

Integration of secure authentication methods, including Email, Google, Facebook, etc.