Crypto Games Platform

Online gaming platform that gives users the ability to earn cryptocurrency by enjoying playing old-school arcades.


  • Client: Crypto Startup
  • Industry: Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, Gaming
  • Location: Germany
  • Team: React Developer, LUA Developer, Project Manager, QA Engineer
  • Timeline: 6 months for MVP phase.
  • Services: UI/UX Design, Web Development, Quality Assurance, Project Management
  • Tech Stack: React, Ethereum, Redux, Nakama, Lua, Cockroach DB
  • Problem: Balancing the central concept of empowering crypto earners with an enjoyable gaming experience to ensure seamless progress towards financial goals.
  • Product: Web application offering old-school arcade games with a rewarding system enabling them to earn Ethereum after a small deposit into wallet.
  • Result: Currently, the application is in production and many users are able to join a fun cryptocurrency hunt on their own or with friends.


In the pursuit of creating an engaging platform for crypto enthusiasts, our client envisioned an application that transcends the traditional gaming experience. at its core, the goal was to provide eager crypto earners with an innovative avenue to make progress toward their financial objectives while reveling in the enjoyment of playing their favorite games.

Beyond the conventional notion of a singular game, our client aspired to develop a comprehensive web application. The envisioned platform would seamlessly integrate a diverse array of games, ensuring that users have access to the ultimate gaming experience. the ambition was to offer not just a game but an expansive collection of options, catering to the varied tastes and preferences of crypto earners.

The emphasis lay not only on reaching financial goals but doing so through an entertaining and enjoyable journey. by merging the thrill of gaming with the pursuit of crypto earnings, the envisioned application aims to redefine the way users approach their financial milestones. It was about transforming a goal-oriented journey into a dynamic and fun-filled adventure, making the process both rewarding and entertaining.


Product Overview

Platform offers a collection of old-school arcade games, providing a rewarding system that allows players to earn Ethereum. This unique opportunity is unlocked with a small deposit into the app gamer wallet, ensuring an engaging and lucrative gaming experience.

Ethereum Earnings System

With our web application, players have the flexibility to transfer Ethereum from their existing wallets or kickstart their journey with a special starter bonus. The system is designed from the ground up to support multiplayer games right from day one, fostering a dynamic gaming community where players can interact and compete in real-time.

Game Selection

Indulge in an array of exhilarating games carefully curated to cater to diverse gaming preferences. Brace yourself for the heart-pounding challenge of "Catch App," a game that puts your reflexes and strategic thinking to the test. Navigate through a dynamic digital environment where every move counts, offering an adrenaline-fueled experience that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Another crypto game is "Saloon Panic." This immersive experience invites you to navigate an action-packed adventure, where the ability to make swift decisions is not just a skill but a necessity for survival.

Platform goes beyond mere entertainment; it's a carefully curated selection designed to captivate players of all preferences. Whether you're a strategy enthusiast, an adrenaline junkie, or someone who enjoys a trip back in time, our games offer an immersive and engaging experience. With each title, we aim to transport you to new worlds and challenge your gaming prowess, ensuring that every moment spent on our platform is nothing short of extraordinary. Explore, compete, and revel in the diverse and entertaining gaming experiences that await you within our carefully crafted selection.

Seamless Integration

Built with a focus on user experience, our web application seamlessly integrates the earnings process into the gaming environment. The platform provides a user-friendly interface that makes earning Ethereum while enjoying classic arcade games a straightforward and enjoyable journey.


The result of our work is - groundbreaking online gaming haven, transcending traditional paradigms by empowering users to seamlessly earn cryptocurrency while immersing themselves in the joy of old-school arcades. This platform isn't just an online multiplayer arcade; it's a dynamic gaming universe where enthusiasts can engage in spirited bouts of classic video games, forging connections and memories with peers.

The allure deepens as users embark on an exhilarating cryptocurrency hunt, either solo or in the company of friends, adding a layer of communal fun to the gaming experience. A distinctive feature lies in the development approach, with games meticulously crafted using an HTML5 game framework. This not only ensures a responsive and immersive gameplay experience, but also broadens accessibility across Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile platforms.

At the heart of the innovation is the instantaneous nature of the games – a tap of a button unravels a world of gaming excitement, eliminating the need for cumbersome downloads. is not merely a gaming platform, it's a testament to our team's commitment to crafting experiences that seamlessly blend nostalgia, community, and the fascinating realm of cryptocurrency, redefining the landscape of online gaming.

Let's Discuss Your Project

If you have a project idea or require assistance with refining and estimating your concept, don't hesitate to schedule a meeting with our team. We are more than happy to provide our support!

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