June 19, 2024

Generative AI in Education: Examples, Benefits, Challenges

Uncover the impact of generative AI on education, highlighting its advantages such as personalized learning and content creation.

Written by
Serhii Uspenskyi

Table of Contents


AI for teaching technologies, such as generative AI, chatbots, analytics, and personalized learning experiences, can potentially revolutionize how usage of AI in education is experienced. The AI education market is predicted to reach $20 billion by 2027 (MsPowerUser) and Generative AI plays a significant role in it. 

According to UNESCO, AI tools open new horizons for education, but we urgently need to take action to ensure we integrate them into learning systems on our terms. So, they worry about ethics, policies, and other important aspects of students’ study process. 

To vet and validate new and complex AI applications for formal use in school, UNESCO recommends that ministries of education build their capacities in coordination with other regulatory branches of government, in particular those regulating technologies. So, let’s dive deeper into the main aspects of generative AI in education. 

What Is Generative AI in Education?

Education is a huge industry for tech integrations, and when we talk about AI for teaching or AI for studying we need to clarify what it stands for. Generally speaking, Generative AI in Education is a set of different AI/ML technologies and integrations that can help to boost the education process, automate it, or improve it in different ways.

According to 360researchreports, the global AI in Education market size is expected to expand at a CAGR of 36.14% during the 2024-2027 period, reaching USD 34597.13 million by 2027.

Artificial intelligence language learning may include the following aspects:

  • Prompt Engineering for eLearning: generating prompts for studying materials or fine-tuning existing prompts with the updated data.
  • Integration LLMs into LMSs: LMS can be updated and improved with LLM integration, such as LLaMA, Bard, or GPT-4.
  • AI Education Forecasting: AI prediction helps a lot in education in terms of planning and scheduling courses, lessons, or webinars.
  • Machine Learning Models for education purposes: training models can help a lot in ML studying and creating further solutions.
  • AI Education Assistants: there is a valuable profit to create AI assistants for education: they speed up work and automate many manual processes. 
  • ChatGPT Integration into the Private Education Sector: OpenAI ChatGPT API  integration can help a lot with workflow automation and simplifying of teachers’ daily tasks.
  • Conversational AI Solutions for educational institutions: AI chatbots, AI assistants, AI Helpers, or similar solutions can provide institutions with new capabilities for improving the study process and students’ results.

Moreover, AI can be used to generate new content, such as written text, images, and videos in the field of education. It can create personalized learning materials, generate simulated environments for immersive learning experiences, and develop interactive educational content.

Generative AI in Education: Market Statistics

Statistics. It shows us a lot. Let’s see how AI uses in education its potential according to the numbers and metrics.

According to GMA, the AI in the education market from the learning platform & virtual facilitators segment is estimated to witness over 20% CAGR from 2023 to 2032, due to the use of technologies by AI teacher to improve the quality of education for students. Moreover, the artificial intelligence (AI) in education market from the corporate learning segment is set to hold a 15% share by 2032. AI schools are getting more and more popular, so we will see a significant boost within the further decade.

Talking about AI for teaching it is worth mentioning some experiments that have been conducted by universities. For example, Ivy Tech in Indiana conducted a pilot study using data from 10000 course sections. 

By identifying 16000 students at risk of failing within the first two weeks of the semester, the college was able to address non-academic obstacles that contributed to their struggles. By the end of the semester, 3000 students were saved from failing – 98% of the contacted students obtained a C grade or better. 

Finally, AI predicted a student’s final grade with 80% accuracy and saved 34712 students from failing. These results sound impressive.

Another interesting market statistics case while was recorded by Georgia Institute of Technology. An AI-powered chatbot named Jill Watson was employed as a teaching assistant for a course with 300 students. With a 97% accuracy rate, Jill Watson was able to respond to around 10000 student inquiries each semester with remarkable human-like efficiency.

Some more market insights with AI use in education:

  • With 91% accuracy, AI-enhanced Chatbots provided personalized help and guidance to students (The University of Murcia chatbot case).
  • 62% Increase in Test Scores Through Adaptive Learning (Knewton Case Study).
  • AI Improved Students’ Grades by 30% While Reducing Their Anxiety by 20% (Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) implementation case)
  • Over 800,000 students across Latin America, Korea, and Japan have improved their English by practicing with AI voice technology (AI startup integration - Edwin.ai case)

To sum up, the statistics in the generative AI education market show us the deep value of its implementation into the education system, making the artificial intelligence language learning process more affordable.

Benefits of Generative AI in Education

AI Schools, AI Colleges, AI Universities - this is our future. Students and teachers will be engaging with AI more and more, getting new values and opportunities. The pros of the usage of AI in education are increasing day by day so let’s dive deeper into them and see how AI integration and development may help education.

  1. Content Creation and Generation

Generative AI technologies can help a lot in creating educational content, ranging from text to media materials. It can also automate the generation of different quizzes, tests, and other assessment tools, saving plenty of time for educators and allowing them to focus on more important aspects of the studying process.

For example, ChatGTP has already become a daily helper for millions of students and teachers around the world.

  1. Grading Automation

It is worth noting that AI-powered grading systems can quickly and accurately assess assignments, quizzes, and exams. This not only reduces the workload on educators but also provides instant feedback to students, allowing them to identify and address areas of improvement promptly.

According to the BestColleages research, the majority of students (54%) say using AI on schoolwork or exams counts as cheating or plagiarism. Around 1 in 5 students (21%) say that using AI to complete assignments or exams is not cheating or plagiarism. One-quarter of students remain neutral.

Moreover, Just over half of students (53%) say they have had coursework that requires them to use AI as part of an assignment. And, nearly 8 in 10 students (79%) say they have had an instructor talk to them about the use and ethics of AI in the classroom.

  1. Special Needs Education Support

The huge benefit of AI for teaching is that it can be customized to provide additional support for students with special needs. Large Language Models and Transformer models can generate content tailored to individual requirements, making education more accessible and inclusive.

  1. Adaptive Learning Platforms

A lot of AI-driven adaptive learning or eLearning platforms use generative algorithms to assess a student's performance and adapt the content accordingly. Such AI in education examples ensures that each student receives targeted interventions and support, addressing their specific strengths and weaknesses.

A U.S. Department of Education study found that a student who received personalized and adaptive instruction outperformed her by 70% of those who received non-adaptive instruction. This statistic demonstrates the effectiveness of adaptive learning in improving learning outcomes and knowledge retention.

  1. Continuous Professional Development

Finally, the usage of AI in education helps educators in accessing personalized professional development resources. AI can analyze an educator's strengths and areas for improvement, recommending relevant training materials and resources.

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Challenges of Generative AI in Education

Even though there are many benefits of using AI in education, we need to mention several challenges in this field. Here are some of AI in education examples challenges associated with the implementation of Generative AI in the educational sector.

  1. Privacy Issues

Education involves handling sensitive or private information about students and teachers. Generative AI applications must adhere to strict security regulations to protect student data. Maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of personal information is crucial to ensure compliance with privacy laws. 

So, it is really important to choose the right partner if you are looking to implement AI technology into your processes. Feel free to book a free consultation with our experts if you need any assistance with it.

  1. Ethical Concerns

Generative AI systems may perpetuate biases present in the training data. If the data used to train these models contain biases, the generated content or recommendations may reflect and reinforce those biases, leading to unfair treatment or discrimination. Let’s see the stats.

According to FastCompany reports:

  • Almost 62% of students worry about the security of their data when AI is used in education.
  • Around 73% of parents are concerned about the privacy and security of student data collected and stored by schools.
  • Nearly 40% of teachers report that their educational institutions monitor students’ devices.
  1. Lack of Quality Training Data

Machine Learning models often rely on high-quality training data. In education, obtaining comprehensive and diverse datasets that accurately represent the learning material can be challenging. Biases in training data can also result in the reproduction of undesirable stereotypes. In total, to the more data we have to use in the AI integration - the better will be our final result.

  1. Teacher and Student Accepetence

It is worth to mention that of AI in education may face resistance from both teachers and students who might be skeptical or uncomfortable with AI-driven technologies. Acceptance and understanding of AI tools are crucial for successful implementation for sure and our team may help you with it.

One of the easiest way to start accepting AI is playing around with AI tools. For example, you may try one of our Generative AI Products created specially for educational purpose. This is a text-to-video tool that help you to create educational materials using intelligent AI avatars. 

  1. Training and Support

Educators and teachers may require training to effectively integrate and use AI tools in their teaching practices. Ongoing support and professional development opportunities are crucial for ensuring that users feel confident and competent in utilizing AI technologies.

However, respected service companies provide full-time software support as a compulsory option after product launch or integration.

Generative AI in Education: Examples of Usage 

The most exciting part of our today’s journey are examples of artificial intelligence in education. In my opinion, practice is the best way to prove or reject something, especially when we are talking about science and tech. AI in education examples vary from simple POC tools that can be built within couple of days to complex AI integrations that need months to be correctly implemented.

We may define the following groups of examples of artificial intelligence in teaching and learning:

  • AI Chatbots: customer support for students and other people, text generation for studying in any field of education and other features.
  • AI Assistants: help in searching for needed information, booking meetings and calls, scheduling, suggesting solutions, etc.
  • AI-powered LMS: possibility to manage studying process with additional AI value, such as predictive analytics, forecasting, auto-suggestions and so on.
  • AI-powered Conent Builders: possibility to create different type of content (text, image, video, slides, etc.) for many educational purposes with the help of artificial intelligence.
  • AI Integration into existing educational software: you may already have some software that is used for study purposes, for example, course builder or student management system, and you want AI to be integrated into it to speed up or improve some processes. This is absolutely doable nowadays.

AI Chatbots and AI Assistants For Education

AI Chatbots and AI Assitants in education can provide many various functions, such as personalized learning experiences, homework help, facilitate language learning, ensure 24/7 accessibility, assist with assessments and feedback, aid in study planning, adapt learning paths, offer mental health support, improve parent-teacher communication, and provide data analysis for educators. 

These AI tools enhance student engagement, cater to individual needs, and contribute to a more effective and accessible education system. Springs team delivered a good example of such solution: AI ChatBot Builder. Our solution helps different offline and online schools to provide better service for all applicants giving them all needed information within the shortest period of time.

Moreover, the solution can be used by students for additional content generation based on the personally built database. We used the latest OpenAI GPT-4 integration in our application to provide the best user experience.

EdTech AI-Powered Content Builders and LMSs

AI-powered content builders and Learning Management Systems (LMSs) offer adaptive content creation, automated grading, personalized learning paths, and virtual classroom optimization. Such kind of software solutions leverage AI for predictive analytics, gamification, and content recommendations, fostering engaging and tailored learning experiences. Moreover, they address accessibility through features like multilingual support and enhanced learning resources.

Using the latest approach in building AI software for education our team delivered one of the content builder examples of artificial intelligence in education - AI Avatar Video Generation Tool. This application helps students, teachers, coaches or almost anyone to create video presentation with AI avatar-speaker that can be used for many kinds of educational activities.

Our startup has been already awarded with multiple recognitions and reached the number of 2000+ customers around the world.

Finally, such ai in education examples prove that AI is not an enemy but a friend for students, teachers and tutors. It is just needed to be used in a proper way. However, the successful integration of these technologies necessitates a responsible and ethical approach, considering privacy concerns and ongoing refinement for optimal impact. As we harness the power of AI in education, it becomes evident that its true potential is realized when employed in a thoughtful and purposeful manner.

Customer retention is the key

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Don’t overspend on growth marketing without good retention rates

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  • Neque sodales ut etiam sit amet nisl purus non tellus orci ac auctor
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What’s the ideal customer retention rate?

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Next steps to increase your customer retention

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